Monday, March 31, 2014


I wanted to go natural, not because everyone else was doing it, but because I wanted a change

A change for the new Christina…. My natural hair was always curly, but living in a world where everyone saw the perm as their best friend, and having straight hair made you feel like you're on top of the world, I can't lie, I was drawn in and I was addicted. I was always getting bored with my hair, so every chance I got, I would cut it and color it. My hair would grow back, but it would always grow back to bra strap length, I can't recollect it ever passing that, except I think when I was pregnant. Maybe I should have given it a chance to, but I would always say "its just hair, it will grow back" and off to the salon I go to cut it again, to my favorite spot, shoulder length. 

Even though I would always cut my hair, I was a little skeptical about doing the big chop. I wasn't bold enough to do it as yet, so I decided to transition for a year. During that year I really did no do any protective stylings, I mostly wore my hair in a bun or a pony tail, And I especially loved the winter months because I got to throw on my hats and off to work and school I go. 

I was loving my new growth, I was excited and I couldn't wait for it to grow out. But, by the end of 2012, I was starting to get tired of dealing with the two different textures. I remembered straightening my hair and by the time I reached my destination my hair was a poof ball, I said noooo it's got to gooooo lol. 3 days later on the one year anniversary of my transition, I said hell with it, it's now or never, Then I chopped away, I thought I would cry, but to my surprised I was excited. The next day after seeing myself in the mirror, I was like WTH did I do last night? lol. The hardest part was waiting to see and hear everyones reaction. Some would say, why? omg, you crazy, why did you do that? you always cutting your hair, you're gonna regret it. I'm not gonna lie in those moments I doubted myself, but then I said Fu*ck it, it's my hair and my bighead. 

To this day I am still happy with my decision. I don't have to run from the rain anymore, and I certainly don't have to wait at the hair salon. I still don't do any protective stylings, but thats just me, I rather just wash and go and in the winter months, on my hats goes.

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