Monday, May 5, 2014


Hooray winter is gone! With Spring comes humidity, sunshine and a lot more time spent outside. This is the perfect time to pamper yourself and to get your body and skin back from that dry, flaky and aged looking skin that old man winter as set up on us. To bounce back to our beautiful skin this spring, here's a few tips that will help.

ExfoliateEven though we should exfoliate throughout the year, if you haven't scrubbed those dead skin cells off your skin and face all winter, it's definitely time to start. By exfoliating you're removing the dead skin cells, giving you a healthy glow.  
You should exfoliate two to three times per week using a washcloth or loofah.

For a quick and easy do-it-yourself scrub recipe, simply mix a concoction of sugar, salt, or oatmeal together with your face and body wash. If you have dry skin, add honey, olive oil or milk to the mixture for a dose of lasting hydration. 

Gently rub in circular movements on your face and neck for two or three minutes, then rinse with warm water. Use the body wash mix or a body exfoliator for the rest of the body via the same technique.

MoisturizeNo matter your skin type, it is important to moisturize. Everyone must wear a moisturizer no matter how much oil our skin produces, and there are many options designed for specific skin types. 

If you have dry skinchoose an ointment or cream(which is heavier than lotions)

If your skin is oilychoose a light, oil-free moisturizer.

For a skin that has a combination of dry and oily spotsyou should apply moisturizer to those areas that are dry. 

If you have sensitive skinit is important to moisturize with products specifically formulated for sensitive skin types, and always remember to do a "patch test" when trying any new skincare products.
Regular moisturizing help keep your skin healthy and looking its best.

Hairy skinNothing says springtime more than soft smooth, touchable, hairless legs (but if you and your partner like your legs with a bit of hair on it, (hey it's whatever floats your boat) try shaving or give a hair removal cream a try. After you finish shaving, apply a moisturizer, this will help seal the moisture into your skin and reduce the chance that you develop razor rash or shave bumps.

FeetWe're guessing you have probably neglected your feet. 

If you're lucky enough to go to foot spas or your local nail salon, more power to you. But, If you're on a budget or just ashamed for anyone to see those toes or dry heels, there are ways to get your feet beautified at home.

Fill a basin or other container with six cups of warm water or hot water and two cups of milk. The milk is a mild exfoliator and will also soothe your skin. Soak your feet for 5-10 minutes. After soaking use a pumice stone (can be found at dollar stores or drugstores) to remove dry, calloused skin from your feet. 

Apply a thick moisturizer or an oil such as argan oil or coconut oil to your feet. Put on a pair of cotton socks to keep the moisture in. In no time your feet will look and feel ready for those gorgeous sandals you've been eyeing.

Drink WaterDrinking water is good for the body. It boosts your energy, health and appearance. The absolute best, natural detoxifier, water flushes impurities out of your system while moisturizing skin from the inside out. 

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